论文著作 | [1] Q. Wu, H. Xu, Z. Xu*, X. Chen. (2023). A Novel Three-Dimensional Composite Isolation Bearing and Its Application to the Mitigation of Earthquakes and Traffic-Induced Vibrations. Sustainability, 15 (23), 16374. [2] Chen, X., Xu, Z.*, Wu, Y., & Wu, Q. (2023). Heuristic algorithms for reliability estimation based on breadth-first search of a grid tree. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 232, 109083. [3] Xu, Z., Cao, J., Zhang, G.*, Chen, X., & Wu, Y. (2023). Active learning accelerated Monte-Carlo simulation based on the modified K-nearest neighbors algorithm and its application to reliability estimations. Defence Technology. [4]吴巧云,项复佳,黄映红,荆国强,许峙峰* (2022) 一维周期基础的带隙解析解及其优化设计研究.振动工程学报:1-10[2022-12-29]. [5] Chen, X., Peng, Y., Xu, Z. *, & Wu, Q. (2022). A Partial Multiplicative Dimensional Reduction-Based Reliability Estimation Method for Probabilistic and Non-Probabilistic Hybrid Structural Systems. Applied Sciences, 12(18), 9383. [6] Chen, X., Zhang, Z., Xu*, Z., Wu, Q., Fan, J., & Zhao, X. (2022). Experimental analysis of recycled aggregate concrete beams and correction formulas for the crack resistance calculation. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2022. [7] 郭慧鹏*,陈旭勇,许峙峰, 操爽 (2021) 一种桥梁实测小样本数据的区间优化方法.澳门十大老牌信誉平台排行榜学报,2021,43(06). [8] Z. Xu, and J.-L. Le* (2019) " A Renewal Weakest-Link Model of Strength Distribution of Polycrystalline Silicon MEMS Structures." Journal of Applied Mechanics, 86.8 (2019): 081005. [9] J.-L. Le*, and Z. Xu. "A simplified probabilistic model for nanocrack propagation and its implications for tail distribution of structural strength." Physical Mesomechanics 21.6 (2018). [10] Z. Xu, and J.-L. Le* (2018) "On power-law tail distribution of strength statistics of brittle and quasibrittle structures." Engineering Fracture Mechanics 197, 80-91. [11] J.-L. Le*, Z. Xu, and J. Eliáš (2018) "Internal length scale of weakest-link statistical model for quasibrittle fracture." Journal of Engineering Mechanics 144(4), 04018017. [12] Z. Xu and J.-L. Le* (2017) "A first passage model for probabilistic failure of polycrystalline silicon MEMS structures." Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 99, 225-241. [13] L. Hu*, Z. Xu, Y. L. Xu, L. Li and A. Kareem (2017) "Error analysis of spatially varying seismic ground motion simulation by spectral representation method." Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(9), 04017083. [14] Z. Xu*, L. Li, and L. Hu (2015) "Estimation of evolutionary spectra of monitored seismic ground motions by transformation of correlation functions." Shock and Vibration 2015. |
承担项目 | [1] 武汉市科技局知识创新专项曙光计划项目,2022010801020357,CAD系统下网格生成及有限元建模的智能方法,主持,总经费5.0万 [2] 武汉澳山科技股份有限公司,H00990,基于ActiveX及ESP32单片机的快捷控制系统,主持,总经费80.0万 [3] 中交第二航务工程勘察设计院有限公司,X012830,长悬臂双层钢管式靠船结构,主持,总经费14.0万 [4] 中国能源建设集团南京线路器材有限公司,X012723,输电线路风致振动分析及对策研究,主持,总经费4.2万 [5] 设计朗昇(武汉)机电工程有限公司,X012838,AMHS天车轨道安装吊顶加强方案,主持,总经费2.2万 [6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52178301,基于简易检测的在役农村中小跨径公路桥梁概率-非概率混合可靠性研究,参与,总经费58万 [7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52278210,氯盐环境下装配式混凝土桥梁UHPC-HSSB-HSC界面抗剪性能及其预测模型,参与,总经费54万 [8] 武汉闲来逆行科技有限公司, CAD系统下的网格及有限元模型自动建模软件—DirectMesh,2021-01至今, 0.0万元, 在研, 主持 [9] Itasca Consulting Group, Inc., A Rhino plugin for meshing and finite element modeling – Griddle 2.0,2019-08至2020-07, 保密, 已结题, 主持 [10] National Science Foundation,Standard Grant,1361868,A Multiscale Reliability Model for Brittle MEMS Materials and Structures, 2014-08至2018-07,384173美元,已结题,参加 [11] U.S. Army Research Office,Engineering,W911NF-15-1-0197,Multiscale Modeling of Probabilistic Failure of Quasibrittle Structures Under Impact,2015-05至2018-05,保密,已结题,参加 |